My Babies

My Babies
They are much older now....

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Happy November!

Welcome to the heating season, with a new oil tank recently installed I have to be home for ever 100 gallon oil delivery which is costing me more than just the $2.72 a gallon and I don't think my oil man is real happy about me having to cancel my delivery for tomorrow since neither Shawn or I can be home. So my heat will be set at 58 and we will be snuggling with Odin and sitting under blankets in the living room.
Ah the living room, which I am not allowed to paint the flat white paint "makes the room feel clean and large". Not so much really when you have a 150 pound dog that flings drool everywhere and when you try to wipe drool off of flat paint it just makes a mess. But I guess I will have to continue to work on that. As I grow aggravated over my dirty living room walls, I have the pleasure of watching a 49.9 inch (on the diagonal of course) Samsung 8000 series plasma TV. Not just any TV, the mother of all TVs, a 3D TV, a 3D TV with an Internet connection that can show my pictures if I can ever figure out how to work the remote. A TV which has image retention if something is on for too long, which isn't so great for Odin's love of the Today Show, since the ticker at the bottom image retains into the TV. There were two bonuses to this TV: the picture is nice and Mom got about 2000 frequent flyer miles out of the deal, we paid her.
So I should be up here filling out the Christmas cards, but I just don't seem to have it in me yet - I guess I won't be beating Auntie Paula to the punch this year, they might not make it out til after Mom and I hit the Black Friday sales.
Works is work and there is no use complaining because I need to embrace change and move the fuck on and that's about that.